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Tetrakis (Hydroxymethyl) Phosphonium Sulfate Solution (THPS)



THPS is widely used applications such as in oil, gas operations industrial cooling systems. In the oil industry, it is also used to dissolve iron sulfide formed in oil wells and is compatible with other water treatment reagents.


THPS is a biocide commonly used in the oil industry, not only because its effectiveness against sulfate reducing bacteria, but also its ability to dissolve iron sulfide particles and its low environmental impact. The advantage is it will soon degrade to a nontoxic substance immediately after use.


THPS is a safe aqueous solution with antimicrobial properties that is significantly less toxic, effective at lower concentrations than other traditional biocides.


THPS as a biocide, a safe liquid biocide is widely used to control the growth of bacteria, algae and fungi in oilfield and industrial water treatment applications.  THPS biocide is mainly used in water treatment systems as THPS is a cationic surfactant and quaternary phosphonium salt that can control the growth of bacteria, algae, and fungi in various water systems.


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